12 NEWS: How teens are exploring career options

Josh Stine and Deshna N. stopped by our studios to share how the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley are helping teens get their careers started through AZYouthforce and the Bayless Entrepreneurship Program. Source >

USA TODAY: The Key to True Dark Horse Entrepreneurship? Being Relentless

For some entrepreneurs, the path to success is clearly laid out. They have financial resources and other forms of support and well-established practices and outlines to follow from others who have made a name for themselves in their niche. On the other end of the spectrum are the so-called “dark horse” entrepreneurs, who don’t have […]

YAHOO FINANCE: Venture Capitalist Justin Bayless Authors Best Selling Book Dedicated to Advising Underrepresented Entrepreneurs

Phoenix-based healthcare visionary and entrepreneur published his first book about scaling his family’s healthcare business and his Journey to Ten Figures to inspire future entrepreneurs. Venture Capitalist Justin Bayless announced today that his first book, “The Journey to Ten Figures: A Guide for the Dark Horse Entrepreneur” has made multiple bestseller lists, selling over 10,000 […]

FORBES: 5 Benefits Of Partnering With A Mentor (No Matter How Big You Are)

The value of a mentor in the beginning stages of one’s career is well-documented. After all, just about everyone would love to have a more experienced voice to offer guidance and support as they undertake their own entrepreneurial journey. But even as you obtain greater levels of success, the value of partnering with a mentor […]

AZ BIG MEDIA: Justin Bayless Selected as a business leader to watch in 2024

Here are the people and the companies that will shape Arizona’s business landscape in 2024. If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that it would be impossible to project an accurate economic outlook for 2024. However, we can examine some general factors that often influence the state’s economic trajectory.

PHOENIX BUSINESS JOURNAL: Justin Bayless preps for return to health care sector as noncompete agreement end nears

Justin Bayless is in the midst of a $2 million renovation of what originally served as Bayless Integrated Healthcare’s first clinic. Bayless plans to relaunch Bayless Integrated Healthcare on Jan. 12, when his current noncompete agreement ends. Immediate plans call for acquiring other primary care and behavioral health practices as the company looks to emulate its original incarnation as a thriving Valley network of smaller health care clinics… read more >

12 NEWS: He’s 16, beat cancer and started a business helping young people get in shape

Beating cancer is already a major achievement, but this Valley teen didn’t just stop there. He took the experience he gained from his health journey and used it to start a business coaching other kids through tough times. 16-year-old Jose Beltran Jr.—known as Junior to his friends and family—started his business to help change the lives of others his age… read more >