USA TODAY: The Key to True Dark Horse Entrepreneurship? Being Relentless

For some entrepreneurs, the path to success is clearly laid out. They have financial resources and other forms of support and well-established practices and outlines to follow from others who have made a name for themselves in their niche.

On the other end of the spectrum are the so-called “dark horse” entrepreneurs, who don’t have such a clear path toward achieving success. For entrepreneurs in underrepresented and marginalized communities, finances, education and other resources aren’t accessible. Networking opportunities are limited. And perhaps their business idea hasn’t been previously tested by other entrepreneurs, or it lies in a still emerging market.

While such circumstances can make it seem like the odds are stacked against them, Justin Bayless, investor, entrepreneur and author of the book “The Journey to Ten Figures,” argues that dark horse entrepreneurs can still achieve success — as long as they have the trait of being relentless… read more >